Grounded in Maine
Grounded in Maine Podcast is an open conversation about being mindful of how we show up for the world. We discuss the role we play in sustainability including gardening and preserving, recycling and composting and even household DIY. It's a podcast about our commitment to ecological responsibility, and learning different ways to be part of the solution.
Want to be a guest on Grounded in Maine? Send Amy Fagan a message on PodMatch, here: https://www.podmatch.com/hostdetailpreview/groundedinmaine
Podcasting since 2022 • 145 episodes
Grounded in Maine
Latest Episodes
133: Sustainable Business Planning with Anjel B Hartwell
Anjel B Hartwell and I are talking about planning a sustainable business, and no one better for this conversation than the Wealthy Life Mentor! Anjel has had ALL the experiences in business, and she uses them to make her the mentor that she is....
132: Cleaner, Safer Water with Mark Miller
I really enjoyed learning about Cleaner Safer Water from Mark Miller, the CEO and Founder of this affordable, lifetime water filtration system. It just makes sense to have something like this in case of power outage. I'm still in awe of not hav...

131: Lynne Bowman: Intentional Eating for Health and Joy
Oh my gosh, Lynne Bowman was such a pleasure to spend time with! She is an absolute hoot, full of energy, and is adamant that we NOT diet - we should be eating intentionally, for enjoyment. She'll tell us all about it in this conversation. We'r...

130: Matthew Lesko: Grants to Help Make Big Projects Possible
I had so much fun talking with Matthew Lesko! He's encouraging people to apply for grants to fund big ticket upgrades, updates, etc. He says "the money's there; YOU might as well have it!"He worked for 50 years for the wealthy, finding ...

Bonus: Farm Skills Training with Merrymeeting Food Council
Merrymeeting Food Council reached out to me to ask if we could help to get the word out about their Farm Skills Program, because the deadline to apply for the next cohort is this Saturday, February 1. If you miss this cohort, they will still ta...

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