Grounded in Maine

Bonus: Break the Silence on Domestic Violence with Veronica Life

July 27, 2023 Amy Fagan
Bonus: Break the Silence on Domestic Violence with Veronica Life
Grounded in Maine
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Grounded in Maine
Bonus: Break the Silence on Domestic Violence with Veronica Life
Jul 27, 2023
Amy Fagan

I realize this is not the topic we're used to hearing about on this podcast, but it's a necessary one, and I'm happy to support it.

Veronica Life and I met virtually at Podfest Global in April, when she talked about domestic violence and stole everyone's heart. The Numospect folks that I've been working with for the last year were also affected, and every Friday on their live show (1:30-2:30pm EST on all socials) they have Veronica on to talk about domestic violence, to make it a less taboo subject, because people need to not feel alone in their experiences.

Veronica shares some sobering numbers, as well as her own story, and why we need to make this a priority. What I've been most struck by is her goal to change a person's experience from shame, and leave them feeling JOY and hope. There's a lot of work to get there, but I'm inspired by the work that is happening with The Purple it Up for Domestic Violence Awareness people.

There are many ways to help support this organization! From money donations, to purchasing merch (the shirts are unbelievably comfy!), to offering services or home space for victims, taking the Purple it up Challenge to sharing the message, to being a friend and supporting those who need it.

I'm inspired by the work that Veronica and her team do daily, and want to support them in any way that I can, like featuring a podcast episode on domestic violence. I have taken the pledge to not drop the ball on domestic violence awareness - will you join me?

Here's a link to their website:

Here's a promo video for Purple It Up!

You can send me messages(this is new!)!

Support the show

Please follow Grounded In Maine podcast on Instagram here ,
or on Facebook here
YouTube channel link is here
You can DM me there or email me at
Website for Amy's Garden Jam is

How Do I Get There From Here by Jane Bolduc - listen to more at

Podcast cover by Becca Kofron- follow here on Instagram here and/or check out her awesome art projects

Grounded in Maine Podcast is hosted by Buzzsprout, the easiest podcast hosting platform. Learn more at

You can support this podcast one time (or many) with the Buy me a coffee/Hot Chocolate link here:

Grounded in Maine Podcast is sponsored by ESG Review. Learn more about the good they're doing at

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Show Notes

I realize this is not the topic we're used to hearing about on this podcast, but it's a necessary one, and I'm happy to support it.

Veronica Life and I met virtually at Podfest Global in April, when she talked about domestic violence and stole everyone's heart. The Numospect folks that I've been working with for the last year were also affected, and every Friday on their live show (1:30-2:30pm EST on all socials) they have Veronica on to talk about domestic violence, to make it a less taboo subject, because people need to not feel alone in their experiences.

Veronica shares some sobering numbers, as well as her own story, and why we need to make this a priority. What I've been most struck by is her goal to change a person's experience from shame, and leave them feeling JOY and hope. There's a lot of work to get there, but I'm inspired by the work that is happening with The Purple it Up for Domestic Violence Awareness people.

There are many ways to help support this organization! From money donations, to purchasing merch (the shirts are unbelievably comfy!), to offering services or home space for victims, taking the Purple it up Challenge to sharing the message, to being a friend and supporting those who need it.

I'm inspired by the work that Veronica and her team do daily, and want to support them in any way that I can, like featuring a podcast episode on domestic violence. I have taken the pledge to not drop the ball on domestic violence awareness - will you join me?

Here's a link to their website:

Here's a promo video for Purple It Up!

You can send me messages(this is new!)!

Support the show

Please follow Grounded In Maine podcast on Instagram here ,
or on Facebook here
YouTube channel link is here
You can DM me there or email me at
Website for Amy's Garden Jam is

How Do I Get There From Here by Jane Bolduc - listen to more at

Podcast cover by Becca Kofron- follow here on Instagram here and/or check out her awesome art projects

Grounded in Maine Podcast is hosted by Buzzsprout, the easiest podcast hosting platform. Learn more at

You can support this podcast one time (or many) with the Buy me a coffee/Hot Chocolate link here:

Grounded in Maine Podcast is sponsored by ESG Review. Learn more about the good they're doing at

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