Grounded in Maine
Grounded in Maine Podcast is an open conversation about being mindful of how we show up for the world. We discuss the role we play in sustainability including gardening and preserving, recycling and composting and even household DIY. It's a podcast about our commitment to ecological responsibility, and learning different ways to be part of the solution.
Want to be a guest on Grounded in Maine? Send Amy Fagan a message on PodMatch, here: https://www.podmatch.com/hostdetailpreview/groundedinmaine
Grounded in Maine
Replay: A Touch of Creativity to Change Everything with Philomene Cauchois
Philomene Cauchois is just the most graceful, easy to be with person, and I could've spent hours talking with her. Philomene has her own podcast called Une Touche de Créativité Pour Tout Changer (A Touch of Creativity to Change Everything), to help people to find creative, fun ways to reduce waste and to just tread lighter in the world, and I'm here for it! She's been updating her own website to be ready for this episode to air, knowing that my listeners are mainly English speaking, and she's prepared some really wonderful things, including some of her favorite, regularly used recipes to share! Philomene is practically zero waste, even with 2 sons and a spouse, she makes almost everything, or buys from neighbors or local farms, she repurposes, gardens, homeschools, and really focuses on being light with her footprint. She lives in France, in what looks like a fairytale place called Chanteloup (which is now on my travel bucket list)
Philomene puts out a weekly newsletter that we can subscribe to here: https://creativitytochangeeverything.com/freezerowasterecipe/ this also gets you the free recipes, including her fermented ketchup!
Her facebook page is here:
And her beautiful Instagram is here: https://www.instagram.com/touchedecreativite/
They are both in French, so you can practice, or just close your eyes and enjoy the peace that her language and posts bring.
You can send me messages(this is new!)!
Please follow Grounded In Maine podcast on Instagram here
YouTube channel link is here
You can DM me there or email me at amysgardenjam@gmail.com
Website for Amy's Garden Jam is https://amysgardenjam.com/ (podcast has its own tab on this site!)
How Do I Get There From Here by Jane Bolduc - listen to more at https://www.janebolduc.com/
Podcast cover by Becca Kofron- follow here on Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/cute_but_loud/ and check out her awesome art projects.
Grounded in Maine Podcast is hosted by Buzzsprout, the easiest podcast hosting platform with the best customer service! Learn more at https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=1851361
You can support this podcast one time (or many) with the Buy me a coffee/Hot Chocolate link here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/groundedinmaine
Grounded in Maine Podcast is sponsored by ESG Review. Learn more about the good they're doing at https://esgreview.net/