Grounded in Maine
Grounded in Maine Podcast is an open conversation about being mindful of how we show up for the world. We discuss the role we play in sustainability including gardening and preserving, recycling and composting and even household DIY. It's a podcast about our commitment to ecological responsibility, and learning different ways to be part of the solution.
Want to be a guest on Grounded in Maine? Send Amy Fagan a message on PodMatch, here: https://www.podmatch.com/hostdetailpreview/groundedinmaine
Grounded in Maine
111: Blasphemous Nutrition with Aimee Gallo
Wow, I loved this conversation with Aimee Gallo! She calls herself 'unapologetically candid,' in her podcast description, and I'm 100% here for it. Aimee's not afraid to question or disagree with what we've been hearing our whole lives about nutrition on her podcast, Blasphemous Nutrition. She's not just being contrary; she's been studying nutrition her whole life (since 12 years old, REALLY!).
I just love how Aimee tells you that we've basically been fed garbage in the understanding that we have been given, that there are no real studies to back statements up - she focuses on meat a lot - a very controversial subject, of course. And she spent several years Vegan, so she's really speaking from her research AND life experience. She's a Nutrition Coach, by the way---
She also talks about how food nourishes us, not just 'is it healthy or not.' I mentioned a recent post about electrolytes, and how that kind of blew my mind, and also just made me really think about what I KNOW about. my food.
This conversation is entertaining and enlightening, and really makes you consider what we know. And I love that so much! You can listen to the whole conversation here --
Aimee can be found on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/vibrancenutrition/
And on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/VibranceNutrition
Her website is here: https://vibrancenutrition.com/
Aimee gives fact credit here for her "outlandish statements" (her words):
EPA data on greenhouse gas emissions: https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/sources-greenhouse-gas-emissions
projected 2.5% emissions saved if we went meatless: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1707322114
Life expectancy of our children's generation is less: https://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/17/health/childrens-life-expectancy-being-cut-short-by-obesity.html
The New England Journal article that NYT cited;
You can send me messages(this is new!)!
Please follow Grounded In Maine podcast on Instagram here
YouTube channel link is here
You can DM me there or email me at amysgardenjam@gmail.com
Website for Amy's Garden Jam is https://amysgardenjam.com/ (podcast has its own tab on this site!)
How Do I Get There From Here by Jane Bolduc - listen to more at https://www.janebolduc.com/
Podcast cover by Becca Kofron- follow here on Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/cute_but_loud/ and check out her awesome art projects.
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Grounded in Maine Podcast is sponsored by ESG Review. Learn more about the good they're doing at https://esgreview.net/