Grounded in Maine

116: Kenya Rothstein, Environmental Attorney

Amy Fagan

Kenya Rothstein is the host of the podcast Thank You For Saying NO, about  things happen in life that feel impossible and hard, but turn out to be the best thing for us. I've been following her for a little while now, and at some point she messaged me and said something like "your podcast is about sustainability - I need to be a guest!" I wasn't going to say no - definitely not to an attorney...

Kenya is an Environmental Attorney in CA - and soon adding Washington DC! She works for the Plaintiff, and gets to support our oceans and air - how cool is that? She has so many ideas that people can get involved in protecting our natural spaces!

My biggest takeaway was for my new area, to talk with restaurants and ask them to advise customers to ASK for a straw or plastic cutlery, and ask the restaurants to make that a new practice, and to talk to them in a way that helps them realize there's a way to help save money AND save waste. I love how simple that sounds, and how doable it can be. I'm totally going to try this!

Hear the full conversation here-

You can find Kenya on YouTube here:
She's also on Instagram here:

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How Do I Get There From Here by Jane Bolduc - listen to more at

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