Grounded in Maine

117: Jr Sparrow: WV Uncommonplace

Amy Fagan

Jr Sparrow and I have been friends for a couple of years, but have talked more since I've moved to his home state - even though he doesn't live here now, he's got lots of memories here (and his mom), so he's sharing all kinds of good tips with me. We talk about soil, critters - cute and less cute, and his first sustainability venture as a young person cleaning up after race track events (there's a pro race track less than 15 minutes from me). He is a real wealth of knowledge!

Jr has 3 (THREE) podcasts: WV Uncommonplace, WV Uncommonplace Interviews and Sessions, and Sparrows Under Review. There's even a 4th, that he's not sure the name of ( it's WV Uncommonplace Presents), and they're all different - don't ask me how he keeps track of what goes where, because I'm overwhelmed sometimes with just one... He has a job, too-

Jr's site for all access to him is here: c7068034-d93c-4437-8946-aebddf0d1b6f

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How Do I Get There From Here by Jane Bolduc - listen to more at

Podcast cover by Becca Kofron- follow here on Instagram here and check out her awesome art projects.

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