Grounded in Maine

123: Man’s Search For Sustainability Author David Auge

David Auge is a fascinating person who has been in the sustainability realm for a while now, so understands it on a much deeper level than some (possibly a lot) of us. So much so, that he just had a book published by the name of this episode - Man's Search for Sustainability. He talks about a book that he was inspired by, Man's Search for Meaning, by Victor Frankl.

In his book, David focuses on bees and locusts - how we consider one more valuable than another, their differences and their strengths, and how they relate to sustainability - that is fascinating! Something I certainly never considered before, but I'm so glad David and I discussed it!

These are David's words: "Sustainability is a normative term - one that describes a lot. As a result, it describes comparative choices in a journey - not an end point." It's about the journey, not the destination...

You can learn about David's book here:
He's on Instagram here:

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