Grounded in Maine

130: Matthew Lesko: Grants to Help Make Big Projects Possible

I had so much fun talking with Matthew Lesko! He's encouraging people to apply for grants to fund big ticket upgrades, updates, etc. He says "the money's there; YOU might as well have it!"

He worked for 50 years for the wealthy, finding them more money, but now is helping the underdog to get ahead, because he can. He says it doesn't pay him a lot, but he actually feels good about his work now.

Matthew is a trip! He has more energy than 5 people - he hosts almost daily a live chat with up to 15,000 people looking for ways to find funding for projects and life. He sometimes doesn't sound very serious, but then he inserts a phrase like "it makes you human, and it's hard to flunk a human; it's easy to flunk a robot." I'm so happy to have found him so he can share his tips with you! Learn more in this full conversation -

I recommend checking out Matthew's website or YouTube channel to see how he helps, and the magnitude of his gift.

Matthew's website is here:
You can find Matthew on Instagram here:
He has a YouTube channel here:
He's on TikTok here:
And also on X here:

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How Do I Get There From Here by Jane Bolduc - listen to more at

Podcast cover by Becca Kofron- follow here on Instagram here and check out her awesome art projects.

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